Carolina Trust Federal Credit Union Routing Number

Routing Number For Carolina Trust FCU
Routing No.
Rev. Date
Zip Code
253279510 | 2005-08-12 | 1010 21ST AVENUE NORTH | MYRTLE BEACH | South Carolina | 29577-7485 | 843-448-2133 |
253279523 | 2009-12-01 | 1010 21ST AVENUE NORTH | MYRTLE BEACH | South Carolina | 29577-7485 | 843-448-2133 |
*** Verify that the Carolina Trust Federal Credit Union routing number shown above is correct for by calling the phone number 843-448-2133 before using it in any financial transaction. The data above was last updated on 11/21/2017.
See all local Credit Unions here. Credit Unions in MYRTLE BEACH, SC.