Lowest Used Car Loan Rates For All North Carolina Credit Unions

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Compare The Best Credit Union Used Car Rates:

State         Type       
State Of
Credit Unions With The Lowest used car Loan Rates In north-carolina
Used Car
1 Ecusta Credit Union1.75%
2 Bragg Mutual Federal Credit Union1.99%
2 Duke University Federal Credit Union1.99%
3 Welcome Federal Credit Union2.25%
4 Truliant Federal Credit Union2.39%
5 Charlotte Metro Federal Credit Union2.44%
6 Electel Cooperative Federal Credit Union2.49%
6 Champion Credit Union2.49%
7 Internal Revenue Employees Federal Credit Union2.75%
8 Premier Federal Credit Union2.95%
8 Weyco Community Credit Union2.95%
9 Fort Bragg Federal Credit Union2.98%
10 Lincoln National Federal Credit Union2.99%

10 Piedmont Credit Union2.99%
11 Lion's Share Federal Credit Union3.00%
12 Allegacy Federal Credit Union3.20%
12 Members Credit Union3.20%
13 Marine Federal Credit Union3.30%
14 Carolina Federal Credit Union3.49%
15 Oteen V. A. Federal Credit Union3.50%
15 Arcade Credit Union3.50%
15 Greensboro Postal Credit Union3.50%
16 Triad Partners Federal Credit Union3.55%
17 Carolinas Telco Federal Credit Union3.73%
18 First Flight Federal Credit Union3.74%
19 Healthshare Credit Union3.88%
20 Emergency Responders Credit Union3.99%
21 Hanesbrands Credit Union4.33%
22 American Partners Federal Credit Union4.40%
23 Team And Wheel Federal Credit Union4.44%
24 Guco Credit Union4.50%
25 Charlotte Fire Department Credit Union4.51%
26 Wnc Community Cu Credit Union4.57%
27 Coastal Federal Credit Union4.64%
28 Local Government Federal Credit Union4.75%
28 North Carolina Press Association Federal Credit Union4.75%
28 State Employees' Credit Union4.75%
29 Vision Financial Federal Credit Union4.99%
29 Blue Flame Credit Union4.99%
30 Tcp Credit Union5.00%
31 Allvac Savings And Credit Union5.19%
32 First Carolina People's Credit Union5.25%
32 Summit Credit Union5.25%
33 Telco Community Credit Union Credit Union5.30%
34 Winston-salem Federal Credit Union5.31%
35 Nova Credit Union5.50%
36 Greensboro Municipal Federal Credit Union5.61%
37 Piedmont Advantage Credit Union Credit Union5.95%
38 Mountain Credit Union5.97%
39 Dill Federal Credit Union6.00%
39 Hamlet Federal Credit Union6.00%
40 Century Employees' Savings Fund Credit Union6.21%
41 Acclaim Federal Credit Union6.34%
42 R T P Federal Credit Union6.50%
43 Telco Credit Union6.70%
44 Hsm Federal Credit Union6.71%
45 Shuford Federal Credit Union7.22%
46 Cs Credit Union7.64%
47 Self-help Credit Union7.75%
48 Mcdowell Cornerstone Credit Union7.95%
49 Fayetteville Postal Credit Union7.99%
50 Lithium Federal Credit Union8.00%
50 Shaw University Federal Credit Union8.00%
51 Riegelwood Federal Credit Union8.05%
52 Latino Community Credit Union8.25%
53 Greater Kinston Credit Union8.50%
54 North Carolina Community Federal Credit Union8.98%
55 Carolina Cooperative Federal Credit Union9.00%
56 Self-help Federal Credit Union9.75%
57 Texas Gulf Carolina Emp Credit Union12.00%
58 First Legacy Community Credit Union14.00%
59 Mount Vernon Baptist Church Credit UnionN/A

Please Note: The National Credit Union Administration (NCUA) requires all Credit Unions Insured by the National Credit Union Share Insurance Fund (NCUSIF)to file quarterly (5300) data reports. The information above comes from those reports. The deposit and loan rates shown are not the current rates for the Credit Unions shown. Some of these rates change on a daily basis and you must visit each Credit Unions website to get their current rates. The sole purpose of showing this data is to show the relative relationship of each Credit Unions rates versus the average rates of all Credit Unions at both the state and national levels at a specific point in time, quarter end. The data below is from quarter end 6/30/2017.